doTERRA Citrus Bliss: EVERYTHING You Need to Know!

Top Reviews

Sarah H.
"Beautiful light scent, not too sweet, with deliciously mild notes of ruby red grapefruit. I was afraid this scent woulf be overpoweringly sweet, after some reviewers said it smelled like..."   Read More

Camie K.
"There is a definite vanilla cream scent. It's very pleasant and gives a wonderful aroma from the diffuser. It's one of the most enjoyable scents I have..."  Read More

Renee C.
"I have issues with anxiety especially when I am driving. I put some of this under my nose before I start to drive home and I deeply inhale it. It has made a great difference ...."   Read More

Where Can I Buy doTERRA Citrus Bliss? Price/Cost?

Doterra Products (including their Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend) are generally NOT sold in retail stores. If you know a Wellness Advocate in your area buying through them is generally the best option. However, if not, the next most convenient methods of purchasing would be online through either Doterra's online shop or through an online 3rd Party Marketplace such as Amazon (where you may or may not be purchasing from an authorized Wellness Advocate.) This site is monetized through Amazon affiliate links and others and we do receive a small compensation (at not additional cost to you), should you decide to make a purchase by clicking through most of our links.

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We have heard of complaints that some customers have received diluted or counterfiet Doterra products through Amazon's listings. While this can and does happen with all types of products sold by 3rd parties on online marketplaces, Amazon does it's best to monitor and remove such sellers. Please be aware that this is one risk inherent in not purchasing directly from Doterra.

doTERRA Citrus Bliss Uses & Benefits


  • Combine with Coconut Oil for an invigorating hand massage
  • Rub on wrists for a DIY prefume - free from toxins
  • Add to favorite sweet treats and dessert recipes to enhance flavor 


  • Promotes a positive mood and purifies the air
  • Supports focus and clarity when infused
  • Cleanses the body, using a homemade, moisturizing lotion bar

Can I Use For:


To help reduce stress and rid negative emotions that contribute to anxiety, doTERRA Citrus Bliss oil blend can be an effective pick-me-up tool, when diffused aromatically. The Bergamot ingredient within this citrus blend is known for its’ calming properties, inducing relaxation and reducing levels of cortisol – the stress hormone – in the body. Research has shown that when blended with other essential oils, Bergamot can be an effective way of significantly lowering high blood pressure that can result in anxiety and depression. It is worth noting that doTERRA Citrus Bliss should not be used as a substitute for medication. Always consult your Physician for long-term depression or anxiety.


The purifying benefits of Citrus Bliss blend are vast when diffused in the home to help eliminate unwanted smells or nasty odours. Spread the sweet, refreshing scent of Citrus oil into kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, using a homemade Citrus Air Freshener or simply by diffusing, aromatically. The tantalising properties of this oil blend work naturally to make your home smell clean, whilst providing an invigorating and uplifting environment. Always ensure diffusers are kept well out of reach from children and pets.


Citrus blend can be creatively combined with other doTERRA essential oils to bake a Citrus Essential Oils Cake, as an example, or added to favoured sweet treats for a delicious and healthier alternative to processed sugar. Doterra does not actually  recommend Citrus Bliss for internal use. This is due to the raw vanilla bean extract. Many have claimed to have used it in recipes without issue, but this is most likely due to the fact that the oil is cooked in the process. Always consult your physician before ingesting, if you are pregnant, nursing or under a doctor’s care. Citrus oil can also be included in DIY lotion bars and dish soaps, in conjunction with other natural ingredients, to assist in soothing dry, irritated skin and leave dishes feeling sparkling clean and grease-free.

Is It Safe:

During Pregnancy/While Nursing?

There are no known concerns with using Citrus Bliss while pregnant or nursing. We would just advise that you follow the normal use guidelines. Also it should be noted that Doterra does not recommend Citrus Bliss for internal use. This is due to the raw vanilla bean extract. Many have claimed to have used it in recipes without issue, but this is most likely due to the fact that the oil is cooked in the process.

For  Kids Use?

Doterra products including the Citrus Bliss blend, are generally safe for all ages. As with all potent oils, it's best to first test a small amount to check for individual adverse reactions for any user, but especially children. Some kids may have extra sensitive skin and the Citrus Bliss oil may need to be diluted when applying topically. Also exposure to sun should be avoided after apply to skin for the heightened risk of serious sun burns that citrus oils can cause. However, the blend is formulated so that most users can use as recommended without discomfort.


Source Ingredients: Wild Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Grapefruit Peel, Mandarin Peel, Bergamot Peel, Tangerine Peel, Clementine Peel essential oils and Vanilla Bean Absolute.

In-Depth Review

This invigorating blend offers an all-round Citrus burst of freshness for the end user, whilst simultaneously creating an uplifting and positive atmosphere. doTERRA Citrus Bliss can be added to a dryer sheet before using the dryer, to help give clothes a clean, sweet scent and remove any damp, musty smells. Consumers take great pleasure in the light scent and recount notes of Citrus and Vanilla. Not only do these consumers diffuse Citrus oils in their homes, but also in the office, to encourage focus and positively affect mood.

The unique blend of pure and chemical-free ingredients make a fragranced alternative to commercial perfumes and lotions, as some users prefer to rub a drop or 2 of this oil blend on their wrists. The bright scent of doTERRA Citrus Bliss can reduce stress and anxieties throughout the day. Users of this product find the energizing properties of this blend to be powerfully effective when applied first thing in the morning before work, as well as for preparing children before school. Adding a couple of drops to the bottom of feet can give a positive and confident start to the day. One of the more astounding qualities of this product is the anti-anxiety effects that this Citrus oil blend can hold, particularly when diluted with Coconut Oil and used for hand massages. Invigorating for the senses, as well as the skin, customers approve of the calming and relaxing results. Somewhat more creative consumers have taken to incorporating Citrus Bliss in homemade soap bars, air fresheners and even bath bombs – all of which, are multiple ways of leaving skin feeling moisturised and rejuvenated.

As with any essential oil product, caution needs to be taken when applying to the skin. Patch tests are necessary on initial use. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears and sensitive areas. While we believe that doTERRA Citrus Bliss provides invigorating and purifying benefits for our consumers, it should be noted that this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. It is critical to understand how best to use all essential oils.

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